From the archives at Maniac High's Seduction Website:

See, they DON'T want nice guys!
So do NOT be a nice guy!
Chicks from the 'rules' board speak out!

From: "thx" 
Subject: Some more tidbits from the Rules board
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2000 18:57:00 +0100

No comments are neccessary. Oh and BTW, don't go there posing as a chick. That
means you and YOU!

These posts have to do with what I wrote in thread "Only nice guys complain?

Rulesgrrl - 11:51am Nov 28, 2000 EST (#51 of 84)

I think that perhaps younger women are less interested in a nice guy than an
exciting, bad boy. But that changes once you've been screwed over again and
again. I once had the NICEST guy and I was too immature to appreciate him. I
found him boring. Now I'm married to my "exciting bad boy" and my life is hell.
What I wouldn't give to have my nice guy back and start over. I thought my life
with my nice guy lacked romance and passion, so I left him for a wild, crazy,
passionate bad boy. I didn't realize the "passion" came from drugs and alcohol
and a hideous temper.

Live and learn.

esther - 12:09pm Nov 30, 2000 EST (#58 of 84)

I think nice guys finish last when it comes to "scoring" with women at a younger
age, but they often finish first when it comes to getting married and having a
satisfying one.

Rulesgrrl - 03:04pm Dec 1, 2000 EST (#59 of 84)

Esther: I have to agree. When I look around me at all the nice guys I have
passed over for one triviality or another, I am appalled.

The guy I thought was nice, but not attractive enough has lost weight, and now
owns a beautiful home, has a wonderful wife and 3 kids and they all seem so
happy together.

The guy I thought was nice, but too boring (when I was younger) is the guy I'd
kill to have today. He's loyal, he's sweet, he's a wonderful father/husband, has
a beautiful home, his own business. I craved excitement when I was younger, but
now I am older, wiser (??) and more settled, and what was boring to me then is
perfect for me now.

I wanted a party animal when I was young, now I want a stable, mature

Marriage2000 - 05:39pm Dec 15, 2000 EST (#3620 of 3653)

Had date ((DZ) with youngerguy last night (27). He was a perfect gentleman
(except for being 1/2 an hour late). Brought me chocolate. Then took me out to
nice (expensive) dinner and for desert later. We have a lot in common. But poor
guy, he was tripping all over himself to try to please me.

He went to Ivy league schools all the way for EE, so I am guessing he's smart
enough. His mom had him when she was in her 40's...his parents are older.

Do I continue to see him? I want him as a friend, but anything very
questionable. Or should I spare myself the time? He needs training and needs to
learn to relax around women. (He's never had a gf). He world probably make a
really good friend/activities partner (since we have so much in common).

Alexsis - 05:34pm Dec 1, 2000 EST (#65 of 84)

Here, here to that!

I hate "nice" guys (some of them :0) I totally agree that they are really just
passive-aggressive losers that lack the intestinal fortitude to take on certain
leadership roles in rel'ps.

I dated a "nice" guy this summer, who when we went out constantly talked about
how much he hated players, and that the players always get the women by lying
and cheating.

Now that hindsight is 20/20, I feel he was just jealous of their confident aura
(not that I condone player types), but they do have a certain kind of
take-charge confidence. Anyway, down with the
"nice-I-am-really-to-scared-to-do-anthing-else guy" Double Yuck!

rulzgirl77 - 05:41pm Dec 2, 2000 EST (#66 of 84)

I don't want anyone who is going to treat me badly, so in that way "nice guys"
are better. However, I do want a man who is going to take charge-- I can't stand
telling other people what to do. Guys who take initiative and go after what they
want are wonderful--they just get a bad rep because of the players.

Rules behavior should put a nice guy on the pursuit. A nice guy has to be REALLy
into you before he will call. He is nervous and a little scared of rejection,
but remember if he is nervous--that means he cares. Before I next and reject a
nice guy, I give him three dates just to give him a chance to get over being
nervous with a CUAO like me and see if it could go somewhere.

I got a really great boyfriend now, who is a nice guy, but is good looking
enough to be a player. He was a little shy when we first started dating, but
still tried hard to win me over. He wasn't afraid to be romantic and silly when
it really mattered.