From the archives at Maniac High's Seduction Website:

Proper attitude when doing dance club pickups!

From Sun Feb 13 01:09:30 2000
From: "whoisthis19" 
Subject: Re: Dance Club Advice needed

On 10 Feb 2000 16:18:04 GMT (Googamooga) wrote:
> Hey guys I am new to the dance club scenes and seduction.  What could I say or
> do to approach women, to dance with them and then take them home?  I have seen
> men who just approach women who are dancing with a friend or alone, and just
> dance without asking for any permission from the girl.  Now when I try it all I
> ever get is a dirty look, what am I doing wrong?  Any dance club advice would
> be helpful.

Often they know the guy already but this should give you a clue as to
what to do.

Approach a woman in ANY situation and act as if she is already your
girlfriend.  That she is very familiar with you and you are over the
shyness and uncertainty of how to act.

What I mean is.  When your girlfriend is out on the floor dancing with
some gals and you want to dance with her, you go right up to her and do
the deal... right?   Do not behave any differantly with woman you don't
know.  Approach woman AS IF they are already are your girlfriend.  If
you dont have this confidence - you CANT do the approach - it will
bomb.  If you do have this mind set, it doesnt matter what the
situation is or who the woman is,  you will be successful in the
initial approach.

The reason for this is due to anchors set by previous boyfriends.  At
some time or another they have had pleasurable experiances with men who
were relaxed being around them.  Men who were thier boyfriends and
ACTED as such.  When you do an approach with the mind set you are
already her boyfriend you will act in the way she is most accustomed to
and wont think your strange.

SO what I'm saying is:  Get in there and have fun!!!  Not just fun. 
ALOT of fun!!!!!!  That's all there really is to it.


> thanks in advance

Did you sleep with yourself or... did you turn yourself down because
 you was too easy.