From the archives at Maniac High's Seduction Website:

Handling Chick Bullshit, Ms. Kinky wants me to be
monogamous!   (commentary by Maniac and MrSex4uNYC)

From Sat Apr 29 08:57:10 2000
From: "maniac_high" 
Subject: Handling chick bullshit!  Ms. Kinky wanted me to be monogamous!

Handling chick bullshit!  Ms. Kinky wanted me to be 

I was out with with Ms. Kinky this week for dinner, and 
during the meal, after spending 30 minutes extolling how 
wonderful and sexy I am, she popped the question "are you 
seeing someone else" (which of course she should KNOW the 
answer, since I already explained the rules several months 

Lets look at what I did to handle this potentially delicate 
situation (and avoid a scene in the restaurant), when such 
chick logic rears its ugly head. First, since we were in a public 
place, and I wanted to avoid crying, and other scenes that 
slightly intoxicated chicks do when faced with such things, I 
said that I wasn't seeing anyone else... at this moment (strictly 
speaking..true, I am with her right now ;-) ). 

Then she went on to say how she didn't care if I was ugly, or 
really short..blah blah, but if I was seeing another girl, she 
would just walk away..

Now the first thing to realize at the above statement is: right, bullshit she will! (She just spent the last 30 
minutes in wonderland extolling how wonderful I am..). 
Furthermore, once you are fucking a chick (and fucking her 
good), it is almost impossible for her to find a way to extricate 
herself from you, no matter WHAT you are like/how many 
chicks you see..

Now, of course, I had to straighten out Ms. Kinky right away, 
as the next time she came over, she'd go hunting for hairs and 
other shit around the house, and confront me with it...can't 
have that now..

So I sent her the following Email the next morning. Lets look 
at it, and then analyze it in "[]"  (below):

Ms. Kinky:,

[I left early last night because I was rather tired..]

>Are you all right? Your 'kaze' gets worse? The red wine 
made you 
>sick? Did I upset you?

No, not at all, but I did want to talk about something however, 
which was the question you asked last night..

Although I am not seeing anyone now, I do want you to 
understand something we did talk about sometime ago 
already.. Which is that I am not ready for a commited 
relationship right now. 

I really like dating you, and seeing you when we are able. But, 
I like my single life, and being able to meet who I want, when 
I want, without feeling bad, or obligated, or feel that I might 
be "cheating" on someone if I might decide to meet somebody 
when I want.

[Maniac lays down the line.... again...]

It doesnt reflect on you, or that I am not satisfied (I am very 
satisfied), It is just the stage I am at right now, and the way I 
want things to be. I know that girls often worry about such 
things, and want to tie the guy down (in a manner of 
speaking). But that way is not for me, I like my life the way it 
is now. So if you continue to see me, I want you to understand 
that fact, and accept it.

[Yep, its special, and think about that!]

Focus instead, on the special relationship we have, and the 
fact that is it only me who understands you in all the ways that 
you are.

[Now I cut into her for even THINKING about asking such a 

As well, I was a bit disappointed you asked such a question, 
when, and where you did, as it was not the appropriate time or 
place. What if the answer had been yes? 

[Hey, its her fault if she ruins her nice evening with such 

Then you would have ruined your nice birthday mood, that I 
had arranged, and hurt yourself. As well, then I would have 
had to deal with a slightly intoxicated, and likely crying 
unhappy young lady, demonstrating in a public restaurant, 
(one I like and go to sometimes) which is not a situation I 
really deserve, or feel I should have to deal with. 

Please be more thoughtful of such things and possible 
consequences the next time when you raise such topics..

[Now, to avoid this from ever happening again...]

When/if the situation change, I will tell you, you do not need 
to ask such a question again. Otherwise, assume the above. 
Rather, I want our times to be special when we are together, 
and relaxed, and we treat each other in the right way. I 
understand you, and I know how you like to be treated, (in all 
ways). That is what I want to focus on.. 


That is the note I sent her. Basically, to say that it is bullshit to 
raise such a thing, I dont want to hear it, this is what the rules 
are, and don't ask me again. Implicitly, I also call her on her 
bullshit that she will walk away if I see other chicks... uh 
yeah, right, sure she will..

And you guessed it, the next day, she writes me asking to 
meet me, and wants to come over to my place this weekend..

The moral is, never NEVER underestimate your power vis-a-
vis a chick, ESPECIALLY when you are fucking her 
already,...they are slaves to their emotions about you far more 
than you are a slave to their cunt. (and if you are seeing many 
chicks, you are not even a slave to that either). Know where 
you stand, and what power you HAVE. They will respect you 
for not taking their bullshit, holding the line on your rules, 
(heck, HB Ass still sees me even though I threw her out of the 
house that time at 2am for dropping in on me and another 
chick unannounced). Holding the line on bullshit will make 
them respect you, want you even more, in spite of what they 
may say, they usually will NOT go through on their "threats". 

Finally, if you treat a chick well, fuck her well (as well as be 
firm with your rules on her bullshit), she will tolerate 
everything you do re: seeing other chicks..etc.. they just can't 
help themselves, as their brains want your attention and 
approval more than you need to fuck them.. So you win..

Maniac High

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From mrsex4unyc@aol.comedr4d Sat Apr 29 08:57:16 2000
From: mrsex4unyc@aol.comedr4d (MrSex4uNYC)
Subject: Re: Handling chick bullshit!  Ms. Kinky wanted me to be monogamous!
Lines: 63

In article <6O_N4.7060$>, "maniac_high"

>I was out with with Ms. Kinky this week for dinner, and 
>during the meal, after spending 30 minutes extolling how 
>wonderful and sexy I am, she popped the question "are you 
>seeing someone else" (which of course she should KNOW the 
>answer, since I already explained the rules several months 
>Lets look at what I did to handle this potentially delicate 
>situation (and avoid a scene in the restaurant), when such 
>chick logic rears its ugly head. First, since we were in a public 
>place, and I wanted to avoid crying, and other scenes that 
>slightly intoxicated chicks do when faced with such things, I 
>said that I wasn't seeing anyone else... at this moment (strictly 
>speaking..true, I am with her right now ;-) ). 
>Then she went on to say how she didn't care if I was ugly, or 
>really short..blah blah, but if I was seeing another girl, she 
>would just walk away..

maniac :)

I read the rest of this.  the thing to realize is that chicks are ALWAYS
angling for the monogamous relationship.  it is biological... just like it is
biological for men to fuck as many chicks as we can and spread our seed around
(well... before condoms that is)  that is why even though she KNEW the rules,
she broke them and brought up a ridiculous issue :)

in another post, I mentioned that I have attained my first MLTR.  it is a
totally OPEN relationship.  she is the one that requested it and I agreed.  the
reason she requested it is that she KNEW from my "prep" that the ONLY way she
was going to get with me was to accept my freedom.  she was going to have to be
"MINE" to get fucked, but she knew that if she pressed for the monogamy, she
would be unceremoniously EJECTED!  not because I don't like her... I just don't
operate like that anymore :)

for this chick to tell you that SHE is going to walk away from YOU, she had to
believe that she had some leverage... SOMETHING that you are getting from her
that you CAN NOT get from another chick.  that doesn't happen to me because
girls call my answering machine WHILE my MLTR is with me.  she can HEAR them
asking me to call them back.  she KNOWS that "the game" is how I live, and she
has CHOSEN to get involved mentally, emotionally and PHYSICALLY with someone
like me.  as of right now, she KNOWS I will choose her over ANY other chick as
far as spending quality time because the other girls are just for sport...
however, we will see how her tune changes when I find another girl I deem
WORTHY of being with me as "MY BITCH".  I know THIS MUCH though... if she
decides to make a power play like THAT... she had BETTER make SURE she is
INDISPENSIBLE... or else that might be the last MINUTE I spend with her.

one thing you have to realize about girls that you already have is that you had
to go through a process to get them... they are THEIR OWN PROOF THAT YOU CAN
PULL BITCHES!  the same way you got them in, let's say a WEEK.... you can get
another girl ONE WEEK after you leave her... to make matters worse, she is not
with you around the clock... you might ALREADY have other chicks.

besides, whether you ARE seeing other chicks is not as important as whether you
WILL see other chicks if the op arises.  the question she asked you is
structured in the PAST... you are now in the PRESENT eating dinner with her...
she needs to know that there is NO TELLING which bitches INCLUDING HER FUCKING
MOTHER that you are going to fuck after you drop her off tonight... and she has
to LIKE IT TOO!  >:)