From the archives at: Maniac High's Seduction Website

[Maniac learns, that being firm and calling bullshir from
an HB gets surprising results!]

From Sun Oct 10 07:59:03 1999
From: "maniac_high" 
Subject: Event Report!: Follow up - HB Blitz shapes up after nasty email!
Lines: 103
Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 05:26:34 GMT

Event Report!: Follow up - HB Blitz shapes up after nasty email!

For those of you following the HB Blitz Thread, I have a little 
more to report on this.

I posted up the story of our first meeting, and got very good 
comments from zipjack (thank zipjack!), NYC and others, about 
the type of girl she was, and how she might need to be treated to 
get results. HB blitz is by far, one of the more interesting
women I have ever gone out with, basically, because she likes
to be handled/controlled/mistreated by guys, which is something 
I am learning how to do, for when I meet girls like this, 
I applied a bit of this tonight, with the follow results.

Going back a week or two, after our meeting which I wrote that
last report, I had sent her a message saying when we could 
meet, and then I heard nothing. 

I had called once, and left a message once too somewhere in 
that time. Again no response.

Then, two nights ago, I ran into her for a moment in that 
`Roppongi' area I go to, when crossing the street. She took my 
hand immediately, and then said sorry she didn't call, but she 
couldn't get away from her boyfriend. I told her "I see, well, 
when you get the chance"  (ERROR. but I just didn't expect to 
meet her so suddently, and was not in `asshole' mode). I saw 
her smile noticaebly darken immediately when I said that.. I 
realized what I had just dont wrong.

Anyways, I recovered by sending the following email and after 
2 weeks of ignoring me, it got me an answer within 2 hours (a 
message she left on my machine full of apologies, and asking 
my schedule.). 

Very interesting. Anyways, here is what I sent her

HB Blitz,

I was surprised to see you yesterday, I had
basically already given up on you when I
saw you again like that..

Re; excuse about not contacting me. If you
want to contact me, just go outside with your
phone and call me or leave a message. I don't
really care about whatever is happening with
your BF or any other excuses that girls give
when they don't answer a guy's message. I
don't care about excuses, I don't take shit
from chicks, I just go out with someone else
instead who will make the time.. I dont' wait
around, as I said..

However, whether you want to meet me or
not, I expect you to RESPECT me and be
straight and DIRECT, without the  "I am busy
because of my boyfriend" EXCUSES. I just
don't care, and he doesn't enter into this as far
as I am is between YOU.and
ME..ONLY. Treat me RIGHT if you are
interested in ME.

Anyways, I am not in to playing telephone and
email games. If you want to meet again, then
make an EFFORT and contact me and if I got
time, I will see you and you will be glad you

Thats the deal.. The next move is yours. .


---End Email

Now, I have never ever written anything like this to a chick I 
was trying to PU, and am absolutely shocked that it worked. 
NYC and Zipjack were absolutely right. I am still not sure if 
this is how my interaction with this chick should look like, or
if I am still doing something wrong, regarding the advice they 
gave, so I am looking for constructive pointers.

When it comes to meeting face to face, I guess, I have to be 
more of a jerk, as that is about the only way she reacts well.

Constructive comments/opinions welcome! I have never tried a 
PU from this angle before, and am working really in the dark on 
this one! More updates coming as this continues. Also stand by 
for the next outing report, where I tongue down and feel up HB 
Brains on our first night out, an 18 Y.O. HB I met last week in 
a disco (see last week's outing report).


Maniac High